Living Life in Our Times | Psalm 112:4

The darkness has always been present and will always be present in this world. So, how do we go at life though surrounded by darkness? Do we enter the realm of politics? Do we build bunkers deep below the surface of the earth and move in our families along with tons of supplies? So, how do we go at life though surrounded by darkness? The Psalmist answered that question, and the answer is as much needed today as, perhaps, any point in our lifetimes.

Finding Joy in Going All the Way | Philippians 2:12-13

God will actually give you the desire or the inclination to put into action the things that please Him. In addition, God will actually give you the power to carry out or put into action the things that please Him. That is, God not only gives the inclination, He also gives the ability. Whatever God asks a person to do, He will also give the wherewithal to get it done. It doesn’t matter that it seems impossible or unreasonable, God supplies what He requires, and He does so without fail.

Finding Joy in Leaving the Castle | Philippians 2:5-11

Giving up one’s rights is essential to unity within a congregation, peaceful relationships at home, and freedom from contention and squabbling and pettiness. Most every argument, quarrel and/or dispute that takes place in and around our lives is due to someone claiming a right. Jesus gave us the solution when He set aside His rights. If you miss this, then prepare yourself for a lifetime of wrangling and wrestling with others. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Life can actually become a joy.

Finding Joy in Church Conflict | Philippians 2:1-4

Christianity will almost always be at variance with the culture that surrounds it.
However, the dangers posed by our differences with society may not be nearly as
threatening to the life of the church as the dangers posed by the differences that can
and do arise between members of the church. Actually, Paul taught the believers at
Philippi how to find release from the squabbles and clashes that weighted them down
as a congregation. Your church can find relief as well.

Finding Joy in a Culture Hostile to Christianity | Philippians 1:27-30

The at large citizens of Philippi, along with the chamber of commerce and authorities from City Hall, went out of their way to treat Christians harshly. So, Paul addressed this conflict forced upon the Philippian believers by the society in which they lived. He wrote, not because he wanted his readers to pity themselves, but because he wanted to help them find joy in a culture that held venomous hostility toward Christ and His followers. How did he make that happen? However he made it happen, it can happen for you as well.

Finding Joy in Difficult Circumstances | Philippians 1:12-25

Which is the more important question – Did I lose my job today, or how is it going with the gospel? Is a member of my family in the hospital, or how is it going with the gospel? Is my teenager causing trouble at home, or how is it going with the gospel? Did I make the team, or how is it going with the gospel? Paul found joy in the midst of his difficulty because he had no agenda other than the exaltation of Jesus Christ in and through his life whether by life or by death. This is radical stuff. Proceed with caution.