Sermon Date: February 27, 2022 | Speaker: Dr. John Connell
God will actually give you the desire or the inclination to put into action the things that please Him. In addition, God will actually give you the power to carry out or put into action the things that please Him. That is, God not only gives the inclination, He also gives the ability. Whatever God asks a person to do, He will also give the wherewithal to get it done. It doesn’t matter that it seems impossible or unreasonable, God supplies what He requires, and He does so without fail.
I have been listening to many of your sermons and really related to this one because I have under gone some very big projects that I know God gave me a strong desire to do.I had know idea how, but stepped out in faith. God gave me the tools and perseverance to accomplish the job. Thank you for this wonderful sermon. I’m surprised you are not on television. Your presentation of God’s word has my attention at all times.Thank You.
Barbara Bickerstaffe