On The Outside Looking In | Revelation 3:14-22

Test yourselves to see if you are in the faith, said Paul to the church at Corinth. Yet, he did not say what that test might be. Fortunately, the Revelation given to John sets forth a dynamic test that provides evidence as to who is genuinely connected to the kingdom and who is not. For the church at Laodicea, Jesus seems to have been left standing on the outside looking in.

Behind Enemy Lines | Revelation 2:12-13

The Revelation reveals the entanglement of two very different dimensions. One is the physical dimension while the other is the spiritual dimension. They are both very much real, but at the same time, they are both very much different. They operate parallel to each other in the same space. In fact, we reside in the shadow of Satan’s throne.

Back to the Future | Revelation 2:4-7

After reading verses 1-3, it is difficult to conceive of the church at Ephesus as having major problems. Yet, shockingly, verse 5 reveals the presence of a problem of such a magnitude that Jesus threatened to shut down the Ephesian church. What could possibly have produced a warning so serious that it deserved to be dismantled? The answer just may be important for the 21st century church.