Joining the “In” Crowd | Ephesians 1-3

In the 1965 hit record, I’m in with the In Crowd, the “in” crowd included: dressin’ fine and makin’ time, spendin’ cash and talkin’ trash, leavin’ your troubles behind. It don’t matter where you been, says the song – you ain’t been nowhere till you’re in with the in crowd. There’s another “in” crowd I want you to think about, an “in” crowd that comprises the heart of the gospel. This other “in” crowd is open to anyone and everyone who wants to be “in.” This other “in” crowd is one for the ages. Miss this “in” crowd and you’re “out.” So, why be “out” when you can be “in?” Join the “in” crowd today!

ACCESS vs TULIP | Acts 13:48b

May 9, 2021
Lifelong Southern Baptists grew up memorizing John 3:16 as the most important truth in Scripture. We were taught at least three truths. One: God loves everybody; Two: Jesus died for everybody: and three: anybody, anywhere can be saved. I later learned that there exists a circle of Christians who do not hold to John 3:16 as I had been taught. They do not believe that God loves everyone. Neither do they believe that Jesus died for everyone, nor do they believe that anyone and everyone can be saved. Are they right? Are those who taught me wrong? How do we know which teaching is correct? Can we be sure? Ready yourself. The answer is just ahead.

Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down | Acts 13:44-48a

The synagogue leaders at Pisidian Antioch not only rejected the gospel, they also repudiated the gospel. How did Paul handle that repudiation? How would you handle it? Further, these same leaders attacked the gospel with round after round of blasphemy. What does that mean, and is blasphemy a serious sin in the 21st century? Finally, what made the Jews so special that Paul felt it necessary to speak to them first? Weren’t the non-Jews just as important?

The Storm after the Calm | Genesis 15:1-6

God had not acted according to Abram’s schedule so Abram began to feel that he had to act according to his own schedule. If anything was going to happen then Abram had to make it happen via his own plans and arrangements. Said another way, Abram struggled with trusting the promises of God. As a result, he fell into despair and distress. Is that a picture of you? If so, don’t miss God’s response to Abram’s anguish. It just might change your life.

Trouble in Tensile Town | Genesis 14:1-16

In Genesis 14 Abram is called the Hebrew. This term gives reference to someone from the opposite side or from beyond. It contains the idea of being semi-nomadic, a non-citizen and even that of being a warrior and/or rebel. As believers we do not belong to this world but our citizenship, as Paul wrote, is in heaven. Abram and Lot demonstrate the differences between believers, one who identifies himself as belonging to this world and one who belongs to the world beyond.

Attempt Great Things for God & Expect Great Things from God | Acts 13:1-3

How would you characterize the leaders of your church? Are they prophets and teachers? And how do they lead? Do they lead in ministering to the Lord? Do they lead in prayer and fasting? Is your church vibrant and dynamic? Can that actually happen? It happened in the church at Antioch and they changed the world. Here’s the good news: it can happen at the church you attend as well.

Money, Madness & Majesty | Genesis 13:05-18 | Dr. John Connell

Genesis 13 unveils the first instance of wealth in the Bible, and its mention is congruent with a serious problem that developed as the result of that wealth. Indeed, trouble is always attached to wealth and the greater the wealth the greater the trouble. Instead of being the end to trouble wealth almost always has trouble and problems clinging to it, especially when various family members lay claim to that same wealth. Does the Bible address family squabbles over money? Yet bet! Check out how madness over money can actually be transformed into majesty.

Happy Hour | 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

The Lord’s Supper is addressed on five occasions in the New Testament. The coming again of Jesus, however, is mentioned twenty-three times. As Paul brings together the Lord’s Supper and the second coming of Christ, he links the Lord’s Supper not merely to what Jesus did but also to what Jesus will do. There can’t be one without the other. Consequently, when we participate in this experience we celebrate three expectations that change our lives as followers of Christ.