No Time For Soft Talk | Hebrews 4:12-13

The movement of history and the advance of technology have not, and cannot, invalidate or discount the Bible’s relevancy to the circumstances and dilemmas of anyone who has been created in God’s image. The disposition of the Bible is constantly up-to-date. It touches every present moment and speaks to that moment with power and relevancy.

Just Shut Up & Drive! | Hebrews 3:14 – 4:3

Going beyond the first step of faith, i.e., being saved, to living by faith in the realm of the impossible is an essential element to following Christ. Further, believing God for the present and future is more important than believing Him for the past. The life of the believer is to be centered in what God is doing through our lives now, not what He did through our lives in the distant past. Just shut-up and drive!

Right Behind Sex, Is Death | Hebrews 2:14-15

Technology has not changed the tendencies of man.  Time has marched on, but humankind has remained humankind.  The advent of the space age has neither alleviated nor lessened man’s greatest dread.  The centuries have not erased the terrible bondage that plagues us and makes us slaves.  The fear of death remains the most formidable nemesis for many.  As someone has said: One out of every one dies.

Angels and Apologetics | Hebrews 1:4-9

If you were a Jew attempting to persuade Jewish Christians to come back to the Temple, and your appeal to the advantage of the prophets failed to do so, then the angels as intermediaries between God and Moses just might convince them to leave Christianity behind. If you were writing this letter, how would you convince them to remain faithful? As it happens, this is a terrific expose’ on apologetics and the identity of Christ.

Hall of Fame Living: Christ vs. the Prophets | Hebrews 1:1-3

William R. Newell wrote: Here at the beginning let us bow our whole being at this word, “God.” God has spoken! If God has not spoken then we are fools for trusting a lie. The question is not, Has God spoken, but rather, “How” has God spoken? Does He speak today as He spoke in the past, or does He speak in new ways through new personalities? Our eternal lives depend on the answer.