Going Beyond the ABCs | Hebrews 6:4-6

These verses comprise what may be the most controversial passage in the Bible. This interpretive dilemma is answered in several different ways. There is the insecure group interpretation. There is the secure group interpretation. There is the mixed group interpretation. Which is correct? Are any correct? Get ready for a theological collision of epic proportions.

0 for 10, Part 3 | Hebrews 3:9-11

The Israelis recognized that the intervention of God had taken place on their behalf on numerous occasions but only after the intervention, not before. They never learned to trust God in the present moment. Their testimony of God’s power is best described as a hind-sight testimony, never an up-to-the moment testimony. Thus, they endured 40 years of suffering in the wilderness. The same thing can happen today to nations, churches, and individuals. Make sure you’re not among them.

0 for 10, Part 2 | Hebrews 3:7-8

The writer penned this letter to a first century church comprised of Jews who had surrendered their lives to Christ but did not expect that following Him would result in persecution as well as the loss of property, and perhaps, the loss of life in the near future. Consequently, they stood on the precipice of exiting Christianity. How can such believers be encouraged to stay the course in spite of the hardship? The answer just might encourage you in the midst of your greatest adversity.

0 for 10, Part 1 | Hebrews 3:7-8

God does not inadvertently put a person or a people to a great task without testing them fully to ascertain their readiness. Commencing with Exodus 5, and culminating in Numbers 14, Israel faced ten tests of readiness. They failed every test which landed them in the wilderness for decades. The same thing can happen today to nations, churches, and individuals. Don’t let it happen to you.

Right Behind Sex, Is Death | Hebrews 2:14-15

Technology has not changed the tendencies of man.  Time has marched on, but humankind has remained humankind.  The advent of the space age has neither alleviated nor lessened man’s greatest dread.  The centuries have not erased the terrible bondage that plagues us and makes us slaves.  The fear of death remains the most formidable nemesis for many.  As someone has said: One out of every one dies.