Winning Forever | 1 Cor. 9:23a, 24-27a

Winning Christians answer these kinds of questions: When life is over, what have you got? When the moment comes for stepping into eternity, is there anything you can take with you? When the horn sounds, does it really matter whether you were a winner or loser as a believer? If you have asked these questions, how have you answered? It’s not too late to change the answer or to improve the answer. Paul shows us how.

Practice that Wins | 1 Cor. 9:23a, 24-27a

Practice is not the point; playing is the point. However, no one wins on the playing field without first winning on the practice field. That is true in the realm of athletics and also true in the realm of Christianity. Paul not only encouraged his readers to live as gold-medal followers of Christ, he also provided powerful advice on the kind of practice that that produces championship disciples. The winning strategy is clear, and the winning results cannot be denied.

The First Step to Justice | Genesis 16:7

In the first six verses of Genesis 16 we see injustice and unrighteousness. In verse 7 we see the beginning of justice and righteousness as God made movement toward the one whose value had been diminished. Do you suppose those in America today who think they have been treated unfairly and unrighteously and contemptibly have any awareness that the Lord is making movement toward them? What about you? In Genesis 16:7 God reveals the first step toward the resolution of injustice and unrighteousness on both a national scale as well as personal.

God’s Age, Charlton Heston, Porcupines, Snakes on Sticks | John 3:14-15

John 3:14-15 is intimately connected to Numbers 21:4-9. Actually, without Numbers 21:4-9 the interpretation of John 3:14-15 would not only be impossible, it wouldn’t even make sense. However, the connection sets these passages at the heart of dynamic Christian living. If you’ve ever had difficulty finding peace and rest, this message is for you. Joyful contentment is only minutes away.

What’s God Got To Do With It? | Genesis 16:1-6

What happens when we cease trusting God in the shadows of difficulty? When we cease trusting God we then start blaming God for the troubles and hardships we face. But wait – there’s more. When we cease trusting God in the shadows of difficulty, it’s only one step from blaming God to blaming others for the outcome. Is it possible that the problem with Sarai and Abram had nothing to do with their problems? If so, then just maybe our problem has nothing to do with our problems either. What is the solution when the problem is not the problem? Check it out. You’ll be glad you did

Joining the “In” Crowd | Ephesians 1-3

In the 1965 hit record, I’m in with the In Crowd, the “in” crowd included: dressin’ fine and makin’ time, spendin’ cash and talkin’ trash, leavin’ your troubles behind. It don’t matter where you been, says the song – you ain’t been nowhere till you’re in with the in crowd. There’s another “in” crowd I want you to think about, an “in” crowd that comprises the heart of the gospel. This other “in” crowd is open to anyone and everyone who wants to be “in.” This other “in” crowd is one for the ages. Miss this “in” crowd and you’re “out.” So, why be “out” when you can be “in?” Join the “in” crowd today!

ACCESS vs TULIP | Acts 13:48b

May 9, 2021
Lifelong Southern Baptists grew up memorizing John 3:16 as the most important truth in Scripture. We were taught at least three truths. One: God loves everybody; Two: Jesus died for everybody: and three: anybody, anywhere can be saved. I later learned that there exists a circle of Christians who do not hold to John 3:16 as I had been taught. They do not believe that God loves everyone. Neither do they believe that Jesus died for everyone, nor do they believe that anyone and everyone can be saved. Are they right? Are those who taught me wrong? How do we know which teaching is correct? Can we be sure? Ready yourself. The answer is just ahead.