He Ain’t Heavy; He’s My Brother | 2 Pet. 1:3-11 (7a)

In its design, the church is uniquely equipped to reach out to every age group and say: We care about you. We want you. Come find a home here. But designs don’t reach out to people, people reach out to people. Brotherly kindness not only reaches out and brings others in, but it reaches out and brings others in again. Forgiveness is not a one-time event for a one-time failure. Forgiveness is an event that occurs again and again and again and again and again in the church.

Abraham’s Crystal Ball | Gen. 22:8 & John 8:56

In John 8 a lengthy conversation took place between Jesus and the Temple officials, a discussion that addressed the significance of Abraham in the life of Judaism. At its conclusion the fissure had grown so wide that the Temple officials picked up stones to throw at Jesus with the intention to kill Him then and there. Why this huge chasm? Did the difference truly matter then and does it truly matter now? The theological scholars debating with Jesus thought they had it all figured out, especially when it came to Abraham, but did they? Do you?

Deciding, then Deciding Again and Again | 2 Peter 1:3-11 (6c)

If you are a Christian, it’s because somewhere along the way you made a choice. You said: I want to follow Jesus Christ, and you trusted Him as Savior and Lord of your life. Perhaps, that decision came as a struggle for one reason or another. Yet, making that decision was not nearly as difficult as maintaining that decision. Starting is not nearly as tough as following through. Many begin but few finish.

Lay Down Your Weapons and Come Out with Your Hands Up | 2 Peter 1:3-11

In his song, Only the Good Die Young, Billy Joel sang: I’d rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints. The sinners are much more fun. If you feel the way Billy Joel feels you just may have a coronary if you listen to this sermon. So, consider this warning: What you are about to hear might be too radical to take seriously. At the same time, what you hear is the key to fulfillment, happiness and success.

Living Below 212* Fahrenheit | 2 Pet. 1:3-11

Self-control is a quality found in the character of God. At least nine times the Bible tells us that God is slow to anger, i.e., God controls His emotions; God restrains His agitations; God never acts rashly. The person who breaks out of the egg and soars on the winds of the Spirit has learned to manage well his/her mind, emotions and passions. Here’s the question of the day: How can a person reel in the emotions and passions? How can a person manage explosive agitations? How can a person live below 212* Fahrenheit?

Get on My Tail & Stay on It | Genesis 21:14

Sarah’s adamant posture may be seen as the rock. God telling Abraham to let Hagar and Ismael go is to be seen as the hard place. Abraham would have to go against Sarah or go against God. What decision did Abraham make? As we find ourselves between similar rocks and hard places, we are faced with the same dilemma faced by Abraham. Will we go with God or against God? Is there any room for middle ground or negotiation? Can we be content to be a distant speck in the rearview mirror?

Overcoming Worry | 2 Peter 1:3-11

Not only are worry and anxiety symptoms of assuming somebody else’s responsibilities, they are also evidence of a deep problem. What problem? Not knowing God. You may think that the propensity to worry is connected to DNA inherited from previous generations. However, worry is actually the result of not knowing God well enough. Anxieties and insecurities about life come under control when we possess an adequate understanding of who God is and how God cares for us. Don’t miss this opportunity to wipe worry from your life. Learn how now.